Thursday, April 16, 2009

Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout Would Not Take the Garbage Out

Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout Would Not Take the Garbage Out

Your response

Do you sympathize more with Sarah or with her father? Why?

I think I sympathize more with her father, because Sarah is kind of spoiled. So I think that her father made a lot of effort to teach her to be a nice kid, so now she just starts doing bad things. I also sympathize her father, because he probably is ashamed of her daughter, now that the neighbors moved away.


Name four chores that Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout does

The chores that Sarah does are: to scour the pots, to scrap the pans, and to candy the yams and spice. She also should take the garbage out, but she doesn’t want to.

Find the lines that tell the reactions of her neighbors and her friends. What do they do as a result of the situation?

As a reaction to the situation, her neighbors moved out, and her friends wouldn’t come to play. They all did this because there is a lot of garbage.


At what point does the poem become unrealistic? What is the effect of the poet’s use of exaggeration?

The poem is very exaggerate, because all of the things that happened with the garbage are impossible. An example is that “the garbage touched the sky”, that is totally impossible, so the poem gets to a point when you stop believing what is happening, and just start imagining.

What reason might the poet have besides the fact that it is “late” for not telling you what happened?

A fact is that maybe it was because he didn’t find anything

What do you think was Sarah’s “awful fate”?

I think that maybe her “awful fate” was that she was made to pick up the trash. Or even that the poet went to an extreme point, she may have died because of the trash.

Critical Thinking and Reading

Identify the two lines in the poem that do not rhyme

And finally Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout said,
OK, I’ll take the garbage out!

What important event in the story occurs at that point?

The important event that happens in that point of the story is that she finally decides to take the garbage out.

What is the effect of the sudden lack of rhyme?

The sudden lack of rhyme, makes the poem stop, because it all flows in a certain way, and suddenly the flowing stops, because it doesn’t rhyme.

Why do you think that the poet used the same rhyme seven times in a row after the break in rhyme?

The poet used the same rhyme seven times in a row, because maybe he was trying to tell us that she was bored of taking the trash out, because it was so much.

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